viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Dysruptive Solidarity

After reading Jameson's Postmodernism, I have the feeling that, as he describes it, Postmodernism is a very destructive movement. Disbelief, skepticism in all arts, about all traces of unity in society, everything seems uncognisable. Go for Robert Merton, and you will see how somehow he discredits the work of Malinowski and other anthropologists by showing how industrialized societies have dysfunctions, unlike the primitive societies that Malinowski or Levi studied. It seems to me that postmodern world, as depicted by Jameson, is the institutionalization of the dysfunction. Sort of unity in the disintegration, that paradoxically creates a new community (kind of Durkmeim's solidarity), but a deteriorated community. Everyone is worse off.
That is something that happens in Spain. You can see the destructive tensions in the state: Basque, Catalan and Galizia's nationalist create a community against solidarity (really over discussed concept of regional solidarity of Article 2 of the 1978 Spanish Constitution). That is actually solidarity, perhaps Schmittean solidarity. Which by the way is a shit of solidarity. An instrumental amity or even sincere amity created to fight to the death to other subjects.
Probably Marx is sitting on a chair down the road waiting for us to kill each other, in solidarities each time more stringent, towards the struggle to the death.

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