When you have two faucets in your shower, you may expect to get Hot water and Cold water. Happens to be one of the advantages of the globally warmed and financially crised chaos in which we live and one of the basic principles of the capitalistic society. My bathroom too has two faucets namely: H and C.
Some days, H means helada and C designates congelada. Dunno why my shower speaks Spanish, but of this I am positive, because other days, C means caliente whereas H means hirviendo.
So, I can consider myself to be a privileged. I have a mac, three separate bins to recycle, one starbucks mug for latte-skim, and hot and cold water in my bathroom.
Nobody said that water had to be cold and hot at once. Damn it, that would be weird. Why cold and hot at once? We have some frivolous, unnecessary and definitely bourgeois likes